Miley Thompson
Norman OK •
Highly driven student with career interests ranging from data analysis and cybersecurity to public literacy and librarianship.
8/22/2022 – 09/27/2024
Undergraduate Writing Consultant, University of Oklahoma Writing Center
Perform writing tutoring for students and community members. Engage with writers to teach grammar, writing, rhetoric, and research skills. Demonstrate strong communication and subject expertise over communication in academic and professional contexts.
8/21/2023 – 09/27/2024
Data Analyst, University of Oklahoma Writing Center
Analyze the writing center’s data, applying the primary mission, to deliver reports on the number of writers served, the demographics of those writers, and the demands of the writers. Apply the CRISP-DM framework to perform data analysis. Requires technical data analysis skills in Python programming language, programming language, and data visualization, along with strong technical communication skills.
December 2025
Bachelor of Science Information Science and Technology, University of Oklahoma
Coursework includes an overview of information technology history and modern impact, technical courses in database management and design, data analysis, machine learning, programming, and application design, along with communication courses in public speaking and digital communication (such as website design, audio engineering and visual editing).
December 2025
Data Analytics Certificate, University of Oklahoma
This certificate gave an advanced understanding of statistics, mathematics, data analytics, and practical data use. Coursework included classes on linear algebra, programing in python and r, and advanced data analytics. This has equipped me with a unique focus in preparing and analyzing data and exemplifies my fascination in practical information use.
- Technical communication
- Teaching
- Video and Audio Editing
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Proficiency in Wndows and Linux based OS
- Data analysis and visualization in Python and R
- Project Management
- Leadership
- Web Design and application development in React/React-native and Node.js
- Content creation
- Application of the CRISP-DM and ML Project Lifecycle frameworks
6/10/2024 – 10/04/2024
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (UReCA) Fellowship Awardee, University of Oklahoma
Through the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity fellowship, I lead a project to increase writing literacy in the Norman Oklahoma community. Via an application of the pedagogical principles applied at the OU Writing Center, I established a temporary writing center in a public library. Here, I provided free writing support to the Norman Community. This demonstrated a range of skills including project management, advertising, and teaching/communication skills. Further, it has led to potential publication opportunities and a conference presentation at the National Conference for Peer Tutoring in Writing in October 2024.
8/22/2023 – 12/06/2024
President of the information science and technology Hub, university of Oklahoma
I served as the President of the Information Science and Technology (IST) Hub. IST Hub is a student organization devoted to the academic and professional development of LIS students. My responsibilities include: managing the IST Hub leadership team, directing the operations of IST Hub, acting as liaison with school faculty and monitoring the organizations progress. IST Hub serves students by providing collaborative study sessions, information technology workshops and industry networking events.
8/21/2023 – Present
Member of E-sports Organization, University of Oklahoma
I am a member of the University of Oklahoma Mario Kart E-sports team. We compete in the Collegiate Karting League, a college level competitive league which brings together teams from across North America. From this experience I have gained skills in communication during stressful events, team work and group collaboration along with strong fine motor skills.
8/23/2021 – 12/11/2022
Jazz Pianist, University of Oklahoma Jazz Ensemble
I performed as a pianist in the OU Jazz ensemble. This was an application of both my creative skills and my collaborative spirit. I attended rehearsals three times a week and took part in 2-3 performances a semester. Further, I actively worked with the rhythm section, through group and individual meetings, to ensure our preparedness. This demonstrated my commitment to teamwork, my drive to contribute to group success, along with my punctuality and time management skills.
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